Submitted by: Frank Clynes, July 22, 2013 Truman and Hal got into a heated discussion on closing platitudes. Taylor always ended by saying, "Have a good night tonight and a better day tomorrow." Hal ended his segment with "Good night to all good sports." A lot of viewers thought that was the end of the newscast and didn't stay to watch Truman's return after the break. Vance allowed anyone to take a shot at any position they knew nothing about. And Jim Fitzgerald, one of our photographers, believed he could do the morning cut-ins as well as anyone, and asked if he could have a shot at it. Vance agreed, and the next morning, Jim was on the set, waiting for the red light to come on. Louie Martin the company carpenter, always dreamed of being a master control technician. With no prior training, they both started on the same morning. The newscast began with an opening jingle recorded on a cassette, which played over a shot of the anchorman waiting for it to finish. Sweat was pouring off Louie's forehead as he pushed the cassette into the audio machine. But he had grabbed the wrong one. Too late, he realized he had stuffed the one labeled "Felix the Cat Jingle" instead of the news intro. I was watching the show at home, as Jim's head suddenly jerked up. "The voice over was saying, "Hey kids, it's time for Felix the Cat!." It couldn't stop at that. The song went on to describe this amazing little black cat, and all the mischief he could get himself into. But that was nothing compared to the two cartoon characters now controlling everything our audience could see and hear. Louie didn't know how to stop the two minute Felix jingle or how to eject it. It just had to run its course. Fitzgerald had no choice but to sit there and pretend this was all a bad dream. Just as in any train wreak, when the engine jumps the tracks, everything which follows must do the same. The whole show was an endless series of wrong films, wrong stories and sweat flops. But there was no permanent damage. After 50 years, channel 6 is still on the air, bringing the same high quality television to hundreds of viewers. A little song, a little dance. A little seltzer down their pants. |
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