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WTEV Staff Meanders and "A Bike a Day"
From Pete Mandell,
Jun 29, 2015
Fmr. Traffic Manager,
then Promotion Director at WTEV

I was digging out some of the mementos of a lifetime spent in the radio and TV business recently and I ran across the attached items.

The first item is a photo that appeared in Advertising Age (the ad industry's bible) in February of 1963 about WTEV's 50 Mile Walk promotion.

The second item is a press release for the 53 Mile Walk.

The third piece is about one of the most successful promotions we had at TV-6, "A Bike A Day Given Away" (or some such slogan).

Thought that maybe former members of the Channel 6 gang might enjoy seeing them.

As a charter member of the 'TEV staff, my thanks for all your great work in creating and updating such a great source of pleasant memories for all of us.

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